May has been a busy month, but then that's normal these days. There have been a few social events as well as writing things, so no time for boredom.
The week after my Hamilton book event I attended an evening in Rotorua called "Volcanic Vice - Mystery in the Library". The panelists were all local crime writers. Jared Savage is a journalist who specialises in crime coverage and has written books relating to gangs, the latest one being "Gangsters Paradise". Claire Baylis has a legal background and has written a novel called "Dice", from the point of view of 12 jurors. And Denise Fitzpatrick is a romance writer turned crime novelist, whose latest book is "Touch of Steel". All are sitting on my desk (actually no, they're in my Kindle due to lack of room), waiting to be read.

Shortly after that, the article about Finding Miriama went live in the Brilliant-Online magazine, based in NSW Australia. It can be found at
Last Thursday I travelled to Matamata to met a fellow author, Marie-ann Quin, who writes historical fiction. Like me, she is just completing the second book of a trilogy, but unlike me, hers is a midwife's odyssey. We swapped books so this one is physically on my table waiting to be read.

Strangely enough, even the titles are similar. Marie-ann's is "Emerald to Pounamu" (Greenstone), while mine is "Of Greenstone and Violins".
The next day I began my trip up to Auckland to the Writers Festival, and on the way I called in to see my cousin Linda, who very kindly purchased two more of Finding Miriama (and two more since). Then I went west and visited the Pollok Gallery on the Awhitu Peninsula because they requested three books. They already sold two on consignment. If ever you get a chance to visit the gallery you won't be disappointed. And finally that day I said hello to Miriama and oiled her headstone - I'm not sure what you call a wooden headstone, headwood? Being kauri, its pretty resilient but still needs looking after.

I stayed overnight at Clark's Beach then continued up to Auckland the next day. The Writers Festival was amazing, as expected. I went to four panel talks and wish I could have gone to a lot more. The first was with Aussie writer Trent Dalton, then the very successful Tauranga writer Lee Murray, and lastly our own Sam Neill and Jane Campion. So much talent in one place. I've already penciled it in for 2025.

So now it's back to reality for me. I need to write more words before I leave for Brisbane next Tuesday. Four months there should be enough time to complete the first draft, but then again I said that back in January. Oops. Keep watching this space!