I’ve been too busy writing to write a post. That has to be a good thing, right? Not necessarily, because while I’m ok at writing I’m pretty at promoting myself.
Hence I’m up in Auckland atm to spend some time with author/editor/many other things Raewyn Alexander for some advice on getting Miriama out there.
Yesterday I visited a couple of places in the book, which, like Aotea and Kawhia, I’d written about but never seen.
Little Muddy Creek is just that, only with houses instead of kauri forest, and Laingholme is a beautiful spot, landing place for small vessels coming from Onehunga across the harbour in the 1800s. I’m glad my vision was fairly accurate! It also has yummy ice cream and curious ducks. Photos below.
That’s it for now - busy writing Chapter 11 of sequel (first draft), still called Of Greenstone and Violins.
Oh, and Amazon told me yesterday that someone in England bought a hardback copy of Miriama, so if it’s one of you, a big ‘thank you’
